Partners in Parenting Classes
This is a program designed to lessen the traumatic effects of divorce on children. The curriculum teaches how to establish a co-parenting relationship, as well as offers guidelines for helping children adjust. Divorcing parents of children who are minors in Macon County are required to attend, in addition to parents establishing paternal rights.
Register for Classes
You must pre-register for class. Register online by clicking here.
Online registration is only available if you are paying the full $65.00 fee for the class. If you have been approved for free registration or have any questions, please contact us.
You must participate in the full 4 hours of class to complete the requirement.
The docket number and payment is required for filing the certificate verifying completion of class.
Payment can be paid by cash, check, or money order. Payment is due at registration.
If employed: $65.00
If unemployed: $20.00 (with proof of unemployment benefits, medical assistance, or disability)
Fee Waiver: We must see the waiver (Approval of Poor Person's Affidavit) if you qualify for Legal Aid
Webster Cantrell Youth Advocacy
1942 E. Cantrell Street
Decatur, IL 62521
Attending Class
Sessions are held at Webster Cantrell Youth Advocacy's main campus.
You need to arrive 10-15 minutes early.
Late arrivals are not permitted to enter sessions once it has begun- NO EXCEPTIONS.
Use the front entrance only.
If the door is locked, class has begun; and you will have to call to reschedule.
Child care will not be provided. You may not bring your children to the sessions.
Check Class Dates
All Partners in Parenting class dates through the end of 2024 are within the online registration website, available here.
Please note that these dates are subject to change for unforeseen circumstances. We will try our best to send out announcements of class cancellations via our Facebook page. We are sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.
If you are a client, please contact your caseworker first and foremost. Below are individuals that can be contacted in the case of an emergency or for questions/concerns.
Holly Newbon
Partners in Parenting Coordinator
217-423-6961 ext. 2138
Brenda Shirley
Partners in Parenting Receptionist
217-423-6961 ext. 2120